
The Federated Church Memorial Scholarship Fund

The Scholarship Form 2024

This fund was established from proceeds of gifts donated to the church in memory of Henry “Doc” Levinson and Betty Hudson, educators and active church members.  Since that time, the fund has been maintained and enhanced by thoughtful and generous gifts in memory of others who have passed from our midst and also to honor loved ones.  The fund continues today in the same generosity of spirit which honors its founders, and encourages the development of our young people as responsible, enlightened citizens of our church, local and world communities.  

The scholarship fund is administered by the Memorials Committee of The Federated Church of Hyannis with awards presented annually to qualified applicants. 

Cape Cod Social Services
Cape Cod Human Resources Association
Cape Cod Senior Care and Elder Resources
Cape Cod Volunteers
Housing Assistance Corporation Cape Cod
Community Action Committee of Cape Cod & Islands, Inc.
Independence House, Inc.
Duffy Health Center
Samaritans on Cape Cod & The Islands 800-893-9900, 508-548-8900

Local Food Pantries:

For a complete list of Cape Cod Food Pantries, please visit: The Cape Cod Hunger Network