Christian Wedding Services

A church wedding is an act of worship which joins two people in marriage before God. The church is here to offer its blessing and its support. Wedding plans should be made with the pastor as far in advance as possible.

Call the church office to arrange a meeting. All dates and times for ceremonies and rehearsals are to be set with the pastor, and cleared by the church office.

Your reservation will be confirmed upon receipt of your deposit. May God bless you as you plan your wedding and life together.


Our pastor will be available to work with you in making your wedding plans.

Clergy from outside our church may assist in the service, at the discretion of the Federated Church pastor. The formal pronouncement of the marriage and the signing of the legal license shall be done by the Federated Church pastor.

The Wedding Service

We will work with you in your planning so that by the time of the rehearsal all plans are made and finalized.

Once you have chosen the wedding date you should contact the organist directly to plan your wedding music. Special organ music may be requested or will be provided from the organist’s standard wedding repertoire. The organist should be aware if you plan to have other soloists and/or instrumentalists as part of the service. Music for additional musicians is to be provided by the couple in consultation with the organist and must be received well in advance of the wedding date.

Some couples incorporate a unity candle into their service. It symbolizes the joining of two families. It should be supplied by the florist or the bride and groom. If unity candles are used, please arrange for a member of the wedding party to take these immediately after the service as the church cannot be responsible for their storage after the ceremony.

All appointments in the church are there for a purpose and should not be moved about or removed for wedding ceremonies. If bows or flowers are used to decorate the pews, they must be attached with ribbon or string since wire and tape mar the finish.

No rice, confetti or birdseed may be used in the church or on the church grounds. No alcoholic beverages may be served anywhere on the church property or grounds.

Occasionally couples will make use of a wedding consultant. However, wedding consultants have no part in the planning of the wedding service, the rehearsal, or conducting the wedding. All of the wedding planning is done with the Pastor.


One hour is set aside for the rehearsal. Please make sure that members of the wedding arrive on time.

The Wedding Day

The church will be open one hour before your service. Ushers should be prepared to seat guests one hour beforehand. The bride and her party may use the parlor for dressing, or may wish to arrive at the church just before the wedding is to begin and wait in the limousine. The groom and best man should wait in the sacristy before the service.

Weddings are expected to begin at the appointed hour.


Our sanctuary, including the balcony, seats approximately 350. There is an accessibility ramp at the main entrance and on the west side of Baldwin Hall.

There is limited parking on Main Street. There are large public parking lots nearby.


The marriage license and all honoraria should be brought either to the wedding rehearsal or to the church office during the week prior to your wedding. According to state law, the pastor may not proceed with the wedding without having the license in hand.

* Please make out separate honoraria checks.
Church: $400
Pastor: $350
Note: If you wish to invite more than one pastor, you are responsible to pay the stated honorarium for each one.
Organist: $300.
This fee includes a consultation, and the wedding. There will be an additional fee of $50 if the organist plays for the rehearsal and for special rehearsals with soloists.
Custodian: $125.

*All expenses and fees are adjustable for situations where financial need dictates as approved by the Pastor.